this article reviews problems in caes taking which always are due to our prejudice; impataince or inexperience

What are our main problems in case-taking?Most of our patients are unaware of their bodies and talk about their illnesses in vague and general words. When we ask them to explain in detail, very often they cannot because they have not thought about it before. They are used to saying “Doctor I have headache or back pain“ and with no other explanation because they assume that is enough for a diagnosis and prescription. They are used to this because in conventional medicine these general symptoms are sufficient for categorizing ‘diseases’ and prescribing drugs. Of course in conventional medicine too the history of illness and observation are both important but no interest is shown to many additional details as is in homeopathy. Even if there is any interest in detailed symptoms, the information would not assist in diagnosis or prescription. So in many cases modalities, concomitants and other details of illness are expressed vaguely other than in cases of patients who are by nature good observers who then give their symptoms in very clear and objective characteristics of pain or time etc.
